Cheers to 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Happy New Year! 
Hope you guys had a fantastic 2015, we had a great one with family and friends.  It's especially been super fun watching our lil guy grow up.  He turned 1 years old this past June, started walking at 13 months ( I know a lil late in the game but better late than never right?) and talking tons by 16 months.  Mom wasn't lying when she said to enjoy your kids because they grow up so fast.

I never make new years resolutions because they don't work for me.  If they work for you, great!  Keep doing it!  I like to reflect on the year, giving thanks and appreciation for a fortunate life of good health, a great hubs, a healthy/happy toddler, an amazing family and kick ass friends.

Before the married and mommy life, new years eve parties were at the clubs, hotels or some bar.  Tons of fun and I'm glad I did it so I have no regrets.  Especially now since parties are at home with our mommy/daddy friends (kidz club in full effect yo).  Don't get me wrong, we still got the shots and cigars going but we're in our jammies and partying with our lils ;-)  xo B

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